State Electoral District of Newcastle

Preferential Counts

A Preferential Count is required when the successful candidate is not certain from the TCP results.

The Preferential Count page shows either the result of the TCP count, Preferential Count, or Recount if one was required.

To be elected, a candidate must obtain more than 50% + 1 of the total formal votes in the count. First, all the number "1" votes are counted for each candidate. These are called first preference votes. If a candidate has more than half the total of first preference votes, that candidate is elected. In this case no distribution of preference count is required, and the winning margin is calculated from the TCP results.

Where the two candidates selected by the Electoral Commissioner must be the final two remaining candidates were a distribution of preference count conducted, then the winning candidate and margin is calculated from the TCP results. Again no distribution of preference count is required.

Where a distribution of preference count is required, the candidate with the fewest votes is excluded. That candidate's votes are moved on to the other candidates according to the second preference (the 2's) shown by the voters on that candidate's ballot papers. Ballot papers which only show a first preference vote are exhausted and take no further part in the count.

This process of excluding the candidate with the fewest votes, and distributing their votes, continues until one candidate has more than half the total votes remaining in the count and is declared elected.

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