City of Willoughby

Mayoral Contest

First Preference Results

First Preference Votes - All Venues and Vote Types
Vote Type / Venue IND IND Total Formal Informal Total Votes Status
Polling Place
Artarmon Comm. Cntr 341 919 1,260 69 1,329 Final Count
Artarmon Public 607 1,420 2,027 167 2,194 Final Count
Castle Cove Public 451 795 1,246 50 1,296 Final Count
Castlecrag Comm. Cntr 262 978 1,240 45 1,285 Final Count
Chatswood Guide Hall 121 399 520 25 545 Final Count
Chatswood Public 655 1,588 2,243 137 2,380 Final Count
Chatswood-Willoughby Uniting 360 676 1,036 68 1,104 Final Count
Civic Pavilion 809 1,561 2,370 151 2,521 Final Count
Holy Trinity Chatswood W 208 546 754 41 795 Final Count
Mowbray Public 318 717 1,035 78 1,113 Final Count
Naremburn Anglican 616 1,406 2,022 143 2,165 Final Count
Naremburn Comm. Cntr 168 432 600 38 638 Final Count
Northbridge Public 423 1,497 1,920 97 2,017 Final Count
Northside Bapt. Pre-School 232 816 1,048 57 1,105 Final Count
St Barnabas Roseville 419 652 1,071 64 1,135 Final Count
Sydney Town Hall 31 60 91 8 99 Final Count
Willoughby Park Cntr 872 1,348 2,220 133 2,353 Final Count
Willoughby Public 884 1,778 2,662 137 2,799 Final Count
Chatswood Pre-Poll 1,370 2,866 4,236 172 4,408 Final Count
Sydney Town Hall 91 219 310 34 344 Final Count
Willoughby RO Office 143 257 400 25 425 Final Count
Total Ordinary Votes 9,381 20,930 30,311 1,739 32,050
Postal 1,150 3,099 4,249 94 4,343 Final Count
DI/Declaration 338 684 1,022 51 1,073 Final Count
Total Votes 10,869 24,713 35,582 1,884 37,466
% of Total Votes 30.55% 69.45% 100% 5.03%
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Artarmon Comm. Cntr
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
ROZOS Angelo IND 341 27.06%
GILES-GIDNEY Gail IND 919 72.94%
Total Formal Votes Counted 1,260 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 69 5.19%
Total Votes 1,329
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Artarmon Public
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
ROZOS Angelo IND 607 29.95%
GILES-GIDNEY Gail IND 1,420 70.05%
Total Formal Votes Counted 2,027 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 167 7.61%
Total Votes 2,194
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Castle Cove Public
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
ROZOS Angelo IND 451 36.20%
GILES-GIDNEY Gail IND 795 63.80%
Total Formal Votes Counted 1,246 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 50 3.86%
Total Votes 1,296
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Castlecrag Comm. Cntr
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
ROZOS Angelo IND 262 21.13%
GILES-GIDNEY Gail IND 978 78.87%
Total Formal Votes Counted 1,240 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 45 3.50%
Total Votes 1,285
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Chatswood Guide Hall
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
ROZOS Angelo IND 121 23.27%
GILES-GIDNEY Gail IND 399 76.73%
Total Formal Votes Counted 520 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 25 4.59%
Total Votes 545
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Chatswood Public
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
ROZOS Angelo IND 655 29.20%
GILES-GIDNEY Gail IND 1,588 70.80%
Total Formal Votes Counted 2,243 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 137 5.76%
Total Votes 2,380
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Chatswood-Willoughby Uniting
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
ROZOS Angelo IND 360 34.75%
GILES-GIDNEY Gail IND 676 65.25%
Total Formal Votes Counted 1,036 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 68 6.16%
Total Votes 1,104
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Civic Pavilion
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
ROZOS Angelo IND 809 34.14%
GILES-GIDNEY Gail IND 1,561 65.86%
Total Formal Votes Counted 2,370 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 151 5.99%
Total Votes 2,521
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Holy Trinity Chatswood W
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
ROZOS Angelo IND 208 27.59%
GILES-GIDNEY Gail IND 546 72.41%
Total Formal Votes Counted 754 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 41 5.16%
Total Votes 795
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Mowbray Public
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
ROZOS Angelo IND 318 30.72%
GILES-GIDNEY Gail IND 717 69.28%
Total Formal Votes Counted 1,035 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 78 7.01%
Total Votes 1,113
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Naremburn Anglican
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
ROZOS Angelo IND 616 30.46%
GILES-GIDNEY Gail IND 1,406 69.54%
Total Formal Votes Counted 2,022 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 143 6.61%
Total Votes 2,165
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Naremburn Comm. Cntr
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
ROZOS Angelo IND 168 28.00%
GILES-GIDNEY Gail IND 432 72.00%
Total Formal Votes Counted 600 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 38 5.96%
Total Votes 638
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Northbridge Public
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
ROZOS Angelo IND 423 22.03%
GILES-GIDNEY Gail IND 1,497 77.97%
Total Formal Votes Counted 1,920 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 97 4.81%
Total Votes 2,017
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Northside Bapt. Pre-School
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
ROZOS Angelo IND 232 22.14%
GILES-GIDNEY Gail IND 816 77.86%
Total Formal Votes Counted 1,048 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 57 5.16%
Total Votes 1,105
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - St Barnabas Roseville
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
ROZOS Angelo IND 419 39.12%
GILES-GIDNEY Gail IND 652 60.88%
Total Formal Votes Counted 1,071 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 64 5.64%
Total Votes 1,135
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Sydney Town Hall
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
ROZOS Angelo IND 31 34.07%
GILES-GIDNEY Gail IND 60 65.93%
Total Formal Votes Counted 91 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 8 8.08%
Total Votes 99
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Willoughby Park Cntr
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
ROZOS Angelo IND 872 39.28%
GILES-GIDNEY Gail IND 1,348 60.72%
Total Formal Votes Counted 2,220 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 133 5.65%
Total Votes 2,353
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Willoughby Public
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
ROZOS Angelo IND 884 33.21%
GILES-GIDNEY Gail IND 1,778 66.79%
Total Formal Votes Counted 2,662 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 137 4.89%
Total Votes 2,799
First Preference Votes - Pre-Poll - Chatswood Pre-Poll
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
ROZOS Angelo IND 1,370 32.34%
GILES-GIDNEY Gail IND 2,866 67.66%
Total Formal Votes Counted 4,236 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 172 3.90%
Total Votes 4,408
First Preference Votes - Pre-Poll - Sydney Town Hall
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
ROZOS Angelo IND 91 29.35%
GILES-GIDNEY Gail IND 219 70.65%
Total Formal Votes Counted 310 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 34 9.88%
Total Votes 344
First Preference Votes - Pre-Poll - Willoughby RO Office
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
ROZOS Angelo IND 143 35.75%
GILES-GIDNEY Gail IND 257 64.25%
Total Formal Votes Counted 400 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 25 5.88%
Total Votes 425

Declared Institutions and Declaration votes (enrolment, silent, and name already marked as voted).

First Preference Votes - Declaration Votes - DI/Declaration
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
ROZOS Angelo IND 338 33.07%
GILES-GIDNEY Gail IND 684 66.93%
Total Formal Votes Counted 1,022 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 51 4.75%
Total Votes 1,073
First Preference Votes - Declaration Votes - Postal
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
ROZOS Angelo IND 1,150 27.07%
GILES-GIDNEY Gail IND 3,099 72.93%
Total Formal Votes Counted 4,249 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 94 2.16%
Total Votes 4,343