
Mayoral Contest

First Preference Results

First Preference Votes - All Venues and Vote Types
Vote Type / Venue LAB LIB ICV Total Formal Informal Total Votes Status
Polling Place
Burwood Church of Christ 258 145 124 527 20 547 Final Count
Burwood Girls High 1,008 348 414 1,770 64 1,834 Final Count
Burwood Pk Comm. Cntr 496 197 155 848 33 881 Final Count
Burwood Public 1,045 495 366 1,906 75 1,981 Final Count
Croydon Park Public 700 370 362 1,432 55 1,487 Final Count
Enfield Public 981 459 476 1,916 59 1,975 Final Count
Enfield Scout Hall 641 232 239 1,112 35 1,147 Final Count
Malvern Hill Uniting 578 259 472 1,309 30 1,339 Final Count
St James Croydon 36 20 17 73 5 78 Final Count
Sydney Town Hall 21 6 9 36 3 39 Final Count
Burwood Region RO Office 1,900 989 684 3,573 93 3,666 Final Count
Sydney Town Hall 99 43 36 178 3 181 Final Count
Total Ordinary Votes 7,763 3,563 3,354 14,680 475 15,155
Postal 475 244 236 955 11 966 Final Count
DI/Declaration 165 92 73 330 5 335 Final Count
Total Votes 8,403 3,899 3,663 15,965 491 16,456
% of Total Votes 52.63% 24.42% 22.94% 100% 2.98%
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Burwood Church of Christ
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
FAKER John LAB 258 48.96%
DEL DUCA Joseph LIB 145 27.51%
FURNEAUX-COOK Lesley ICV 124 23.53%
Total Formal Votes Counted 527 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 20 3.66%
Total Votes 547
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Burwood Girls High
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
FAKER John LAB 1,008 56.95%
DEL DUCA Joseph LIB 348 19.66%
FURNEAUX-COOK Lesley ICV 414 23.39%
Total Formal Votes Counted 1,770 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 64 3.49%
Total Votes 1,834
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Burwood Pk Comm. Cntr
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
FAKER John LAB 496 58.49%
DEL DUCA Joseph LIB 197 23.23%
FURNEAUX-COOK Lesley ICV 155 18.28%
Total Formal Votes Counted 848 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 33 3.75%
Total Votes 881
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Burwood Public
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
FAKER John LAB 1,045 54.83%
DEL DUCA Joseph LIB 495 25.97%
FURNEAUX-COOK Lesley ICV 366 19.20%
Total Formal Votes Counted 1,906 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 75 3.79%
Total Votes 1,981
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Croydon Park Public
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
FAKER John LAB 700 48.88%
DEL DUCA Joseph LIB 370 25.84%
FURNEAUX-COOK Lesley ICV 362 25.28%
Total Formal Votes Counted 1,432 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 55 3.70%
Total Votes 1,487
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Enfield Public
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
FAKER John LAB 981 51.20%
DEL DUCA Joseph LIB 459 23.96%
FURNEAUX-COOK Lesley ICV 476 24.84%
Total Formal Votes Counted 1,916 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 59 2.99%
Total Votes 1,975
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Enfield Scout Hall
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
FAKER John LAB 641 57.64%
DEL DUCA Joseph LIB 232 20.86%
FURNEAUX-COOK Lesley ICV 239 21.49%
Total Formal Votes Counted 1,112 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 35 3.05%
Total Votes 1,147
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Malvern Hill Uniting
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
FAKER John LAB 578 44.16%
DEL DUCA Joseph LIB 259 19.79%
FURNEAUX-COOK Lesley ICV 472 36.06%
Total Formal Votes Counted 1,309 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 30 2.24%
Total Votes 1,339
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - St James Croydon
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
FAKER John LAB 36 49.32%
DEL DUCA Joseph LIB 20 27.40%
FURNEAUX-COOK Lesley ICV 17 23.29%
Total Formal Votes Counted 73 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 5 6.41%
Total Votes 78
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Sydney Town Hall
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
FAKER John LAB 21 58.33%
DEL DUCA Joseph LIB 6 16.67%
FURNEAUX-COOK Lesley ICV 9 25.00%
Total Formal Votes Counted 36 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 3 7.69%
Total Votes 39
First Preference Votes - Pre-Poll - Burwood Region RO Office
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
FAKER John LAB 1,900 53.18%
DEL DUCA Joseph LIB 989 27.68%
FURNEAUX-COOK Lesley ICV 684 19.14%
Total Formal Votes Counted 3,573 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 93 2.54%
Total Votes 3,666
First Preference Votes - Pre-Poll - Sydney Town Hall
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
FAKER John LAB 99 55.62%
DEL DUCA Joseph LIB 43 24.16%
FURNEAUX-COOK Lesley ICV 36 20.22%
Total Formal Votes Counted 178 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 3 1.66%
Total Votes 181

Declared Institutions and Declaration votes (enrolment, silent, and name already marked as voted).

First Preference Votes - Declaration Votes - DI/Declaration
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
FAKER John LAB 165 50.00%
DEL DUCA Joseph LIB 92 27.88%
FURNEAUX-COOK Lesley ICV 73 22.12%
Total Formal Votes Counted 330 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 5 1.49%
Total Votes 335
First Preference Votes - Declaration Votes - Postal
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
FAKER John LAB 475 49.74%
DEL DUCA Joseph LIB 244 25.55%
FURNEAUX-COOK Lesley ICV 236 24.71%
Total Formal Votes Counted 955 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 11 1.14%
Total Votes 966