City of Newcastle - Ward 1

Councillor Contest

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City of Newcastle Ward 1 - First Preference by Venue and Aggregated Vote Type - List

Candidates to be Elected: 3

Quota: 5,665

Venue Name / Vote Type
Polling Place
       Carrington Public
       Grace Church Warabrook
       Hamilton Public
       Hamilton Sth Public
       Holy Family Merewether
       Islington Public
       Mayfield E Public
       Mayfield Presbyterian
       Mayfield W Public
       Merewether Uniting
       New Lambton Sth Public
       Newcastle E Public
       St Andrews Mayfield
       St Johns Cooks Hill
       Stockton Public
       Sydney Town Hall
       The Junction Public
       Tighes Hill Public
       WEA Hunter Laman St Campus
       Newcastle RO Office
       Sydney Town Hall Pre-Poll
       Wallsend Pre-Poll
Declaration Vote
       Declared Institution / Declaration Vote