
Councillor Contest

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Cabonne - Distribution of Preferences

Candidates to be Elected: 12

Quota: 582

Enrolment as of 9/09/2017: 9,913

Count 001| Next Count

Candidates in Ballot Order Position
First Preferences
TREAVORS Greg 4 705
BEATTY Kevin 1 919
BATTEN Peter 2 867
NEWSOM Cheryl 6 614
WALKER Kevin 3 842
DURKIN Anthony 396
MULLINS Paul 301
WEAVER Jenny 324
NASH Marlene 5 629
JOHNSON Derek 184
BRAKELL Duncan 226
OLDHAM Libby 411
JONES Jamie 7 592
Formal Votes 7,555
Informal Ballot Papers 851
Total Votes / Ballot Papers 8,406

Count 001| Next Count

Candidates Elected at this Count Total Votes
1 BEATTY Kevin 919
2 BATTEN Peter 867
3 WALKER Kevin 842
4 TREAVORS Greg 705
5 NASH Marlene 629
6 NEWSOM Cheryl 614
7 JONES Jamie 592

Undistributed surplus

Candidates Elected before or at this Count Total Votes Surplus
BEATTY Kevin 919 337
BATTEN Peter 867 285
WALKER Kevin 842 260
TREAVORS Greg 705 123
NASH Marlene 629 47
NEWSOM Cheryl 614 32
JONES Jamie 592 10
Total Undistributed surplus is: 1,094
Difference between the two continuing candidates with the fewest votes is: 42
Next Count
002 Distribution of BEATTY Kevin's preferences. 919 ballot papers to be distributed