First Preference Results

First Preference Votes - All Venues and Vote Types
Vote Type / Venue GRN LIB CLP IND IND Total Formal Informal Total Votes
Polling Place
Abermain Hall 81 139 466 190 132 1,008 50 1,058
Bellbird Public 88 185 369 198 91 931 45 976
Branxton Hall 107 197 653 179 43 1,179 80 1,259
Cessnock E Public 92 125 472 157 130 976 46 1,022
Cessnock Public 116 196 711 180 266 1,469 70 1,539
Cessnock W Public 196 259 883 288 266 1,892 121 2,013
Ellalong Public 92 118 281 115 57 663 42 705
Greta Hall 98 209 560 207 39 1,113 87 1,200
Kearsley Public 51 75 341 77 107 651 28 679
Kitchener Public 38 69 111 73 40 331 13 344
Kurri Kurri High 29 97 130 72 20 348 19 367
Kurri Kurri Public 244 518 987 345 114 2,208 181 2,389
Millfield Public 74 105 203 93 36 511 14 525
Mt View High 33 97 212 86 76 504 24 528
Mulbring Public 92 230 152 46 40 560 16 576
Nth Cessnock Comm. Hall 46 106 343 118 145 758 23 781
Nulkaba Public 31 150 152 51 63 447 11 458
Pelaw Main Public 48 110 185 62 31 436 22 458
Pokolbin RFS 11 37 23 21 0 92 2 94
Stanford Merthyr Infants 43 105 167 50 24 389 13 402
Sydney Town Hall 5 1 4 2 0 12 1 13
Weston Civic Cntr 130 283 718 212 121 1,464 109 1,573
Wollombi Public 119 60 56 71 19 325 14 339
Branxton Pre-Poll 62 117 352 84 25 640 17 657
Cessnock Pre-poll 365 988 2,812 948 1,153 6,266 207 6,473
Kurri Kurri Pre-poll 327 1,095 1,932 522 248 4,124 135 4,259
Singleton Region RO Office 1 13 18 5 2 39 1 40
Sydney Town Hall 1 1 4 1 0 7 0 7
Total Ordinary Votes 2,620 5,685 13,297 4,453 3,288 29,343 1,391 30,734
Postal 60 159 388 80 85 772 8 780
DI/Declaration 73 88 252 88 69 570 13 583
Total Votes 2,753 5,932 13,937 4,621 3,442 30,685 1,412 32,097
% of Total Votes 8.97% 19.33% 45.42% 15.06% 11.22% 100% 4.40%
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Abermain Hall
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
RYAN James GRN 81 8.04%
DOHERTY Rod LIB 139 13.79%
PYNSENT Bob CLP 466 46.23%
HARVEY John IND 190 18.85%
OLSEN Ian IND 132 13.10%
Total Formal Votes Counted 1,008 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 50 4.73%
Total Votes 1,058
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Bellbird Public
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
RYAN James GRN 88 9.45%
DOHERTY Rod LIB 185 19.87%
PYNSENT Bob CLP 369 39.63%
HARVEY John IND 198 21.27%
OLSEN Ian IND 91 9.77%
Total Formal Votes Counted 931 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 45 4.61%
Total Votes 976
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Branxton Hall
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
RYAN James GRN 107 9.08%
DOHERTY Rod LIB 197 16.71%
PYNSENT Bob CLP 653 55.39%
HARVEY John IND 179 15.18%
OLSEN Ian IND 43 3.65%
Total Formal Votes Counted 1,179 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 80 6.35%
Total Votes 1,259
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Cessnock E Public
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
RYAN James GRN 92 9.43%
DOHERTY Rod LIB 125 12.81%
PYNSENT Bob CLP 472 48.36%
HARVEY John IND 157 16.09%
OLSEN Ian IND 130 13.32%
Total Formal Votes Counted 976 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 46 4.50%
Total Votes 1,022
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Cessnock Public
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
RYAN James GRN 116 7.90%
DOHERTY Rod LIB 196 13.34%
PYNSENT Bob CLP 711 48.40%
HARVEY John IND 180 12.25%
OLSEN Ian IND 266 18.11%
Total Formal Votes Counted 1,469 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 70 4.55%
Total Votes 1,539
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Cessnock W Public
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
RYAN James GRN 196 10.36%
DOHERTY Rod LIB 259 13.69%
PYNSENT Bob CLP 883 46.67%
HARVEY John IND 288 15.22%
OLSEN Ian IND 266 14.06%
Total Formal Votes Counted 1,892 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 121 6.01%
Total Votes 2,013
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Ellalong Public
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
RYAN James GRN 92 13.88%
DOHERTY Rod LIB 118 17.80%
PYNSENT Bob CLP 281 42.38%
HARVEY John IND 115 17.35%
OLSEN Ian IND 57 8.60%
Total Formal Votes Counted 663 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 42 5.96%
Total Votes 705
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Greta Hall
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
RYAN James GRN 98 8.81%
DOHERTY Rod LIB 209 18.78%
PYNSENT Bob CLP 560 50.31%
HARVEY John IND 207 18.60%
OLSEN Ian IND 39 3.50%
Total Formal Votes Counted 1,113 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 87 7.25%
Total Votes 1,200
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Kearsley Public
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
RYAN James GRN 51 7.83%
DOHERTY Rod LIB 75 11.52%
PYNSENT Bob CLP 341 52.38%
HARVEY John IND 77 11.83%
OLSEN Ian IND 107 16.44%
Total Formal Votes Counted 651 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 28 4.12%
Total Votes 679
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Kitchener Public
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
RYAN James GRN 38 11.48%
DOHERTY Rod LIB 69 20.85%
PYNSENT Bob CLP 111 33.53%
HARVEY John IND 73 22.05%
OLSEN Ian IND 40 12.08%
Total Formal Votes Counted 331 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 13 3.78%
Total Votes 344
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Kurri Kurri High
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
RYAN James GRN 29 8.33%
DOHERTY Rod LIB 97 27.87%
PYNSENT Bob CLP 130 37.36%
HARVEY John IND 72 20.69%
OLSEN Ian IND 20 5.75%
Total Formal Votes Counted 348 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 19 5.18%
Total Votes 367
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Kurri Kurri Public
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
RYAN James GRN 244 11.05%
DOHERTY Rod LIB 518 23.46%
PYNSENT Bob CLP 987 44.70%
HARVEY John IND 345 15.62%
OLSEN Ian IND 114 5.16%
Total Formal Votes Counted 2,208 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 181 7.58%
Total Votes 2,389
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Millfield Public
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
RYAN James GRN 74 14.48%
DOHERTY Rod LIB 105 20.55%
PYNSENT Bob CLP 203 39.73%
HARVEY John IND 93 18.20%
OLSEN Ian IND 36 7.05%
Total Formal Votes Counted 511 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 14 2.67%
Total Votes 525
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Mt View High
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
RYAN James GRN 33 6.55%
DOHERTY Rod LIB 97 19.25%
PYNSENT Bob CLP 212 42.06%
HARVEY John IND 86 17.06%
OLSEN Ian IND 76 15.08%
Total Formal Votes Counted 504 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 24 4.55%
Total Votes 528
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Mulbring Public
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
RYAN James GRN 92 16.43%
DOHERTY Rod LIB 230 41.07%
PYNSENT Bob CLP 152 27.14%
HARVEY John IND 46 8.21%
OLSEN Ian IND 40 7.14%
Total Formal Votes Counted 560 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 16 2.78%
Total Votes 576
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Nth Cessnock Comm. Hall
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
RYAN James GRN 46 6.07%
DOHERTY Rod LIB 106 13.98%
PYNSENT Bob CLP 343 45.25%
HARVEY John IND 118 15.57%
OLSEN Ian IND 145 19.13%
Total Formal Votes Counted 758 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 23 2.94%
Total Votes 781
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Nulkaba Public
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
RYAN James GRN 31 6.94%
DOHERTY Rod LIB 150 33.56%
PYNSENT Bob CLP 152 34.00%
HARVEY John IND 51 11.41%
OLSEN Ian IND 63 14.09%
Total Formal Votes Counted 447 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 11 2.40%
Total Votes 458
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Pelaw Main Public
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
RYAN James GRN 48 11.01%
DOHERTY Rod LIB 110 25.23%
PYNSENT Bob CLP 185 42.43%
HARVEY John IND 62 14.22%
OLSEN Ian IND 31 7.11%
Total Formal Votes Counted 436 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 22 4.80%
Total Votes 458
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Pokolbin RFS
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
RYAN James GRN 11 11.96%
DOHERTY Rod LIB 37 40.22%
PYNSENT Bob CLP 23 25.00%
HARVEY John IND 21 22.83%
OLSEN Ian IND 0 0.00%
Total Formal Votes Counted 92 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 2 2.13%
Total Votes 94
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Stanford Merthyr Infants
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
RYAN James GRN 43 11.05%
DOHERTY Rod LIB 105 26.99%
PYNSENT Bob CLP 167 42.93%
HARVEY John IND 50 12.85%
OLSEN Ian IND 24 6.17%
Total Formal Votes Counted 389 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 13 3.23%
Total Votes 402
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Sydney Town Hall
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
RYAN James GRN 5 41.67%
DOHERTY Rod LIB 1 8.33%
PYNSENT Bob CLP 4 33.33%
HARVEY John IND 2 16.67%
OLSEN Ian IND 0 0.00%
Total Formal Votes Counted 12 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 1 7.69%
Total Votes 13
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Weston Civic Cntr
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
RYAN James GRN 130 8.88%
DOHERTY Rod LIB 283 19.33%
PYNSENT Bob CLP 718 49.04%
HARVEY John IND 212 14.48%
OLSEN Ian IND 121 8.27%
Total Formal Votes Counted 1,464 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 109 6.93%
Total Votes 1,573
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Wollombi Public
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
RYAN James GRN 119 36.62%
DOHERTY Rod LIB 60 18.46%
PYNSENT Bob CLP 56 17.23%
HARVEY John IND 71 21.85%
OLSEN Ian IND 19 5.85%
Total Formal Votes Counted 325 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 14 4.13%
Total Votes 339
First Preference Votes - Pre-Poll - Branxton Pre-Poll
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
RYAN James GRN 62 9.69%
DOHERTY Rod LIB 117 18.28%
PYNSENT Bob CLP 352 55.00%
HARVEY John IND 84 13.12%
OLSEN Ian IND 25 3.91%
Total Formal Votes Counted 640 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 17 2.59%
Total Votes 657
First Preference Votes - Pre-Poll - Cessnock Pre-poll
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
RYAN James GRN 365 5.83%
DOHERTY Rod LIB 988 15.77%
PYNSENT Bob CLP 2,812 44.88%
HARVEY John IND 948 15.13%
OLSEN Ian IND 1,153 18.40%
Total Formal Votes Counted 6,266 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 207 3.20%
Total Votes 6,473
First Preference Votes - Pre-Poll - Kurri Kurri Pre-poll
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
RYAN James GRN 327 7.93%
DOHERTY Rod LIB 1,095 26.55%
PYNSENT Bob CLP 1,932 46.85%
HARVEY John IND 522 12.66%
OLSEN Ian IND 248 6.01%
Total Formal Votes Counted 4,124 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 135 3.17%
Total Votes 4,259
First Preference Votes - Pre-Poll - Singleton Region RO Office
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
RYAN James GRN 1 2.56%
DOHERTY Rod LIB 13 33.33%
PYNSENT Bob CLP 18 46.15%
HARVEY John IND 5 12.82%
OLSEN Ian IND 2 5.13%
Total Formal Votes Counted 39 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 1 2.50%
Total Votes 40
First Preference Votes - Pre-Poll - Sydney Town Hall
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
RYAN James GRN 1 14.29%
DOHERTY Rod LIB 1 14.29%
PYNSENT Bob CLP 4 57.14%
HARVEY John IND 1 14.29%
OLSEN Ian IND 0 0.00%
Total Formal Votes Counted 7 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 0 0.00%
Total Votes 7

Declared Institutions and Declaration votes (enrolment, silent, and name already marked as voted).

First Preference Votes - Declaration Votes - DI/Declaration
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
RYAN James GRN 73 12.81%
DOHERTY Rod LIB 88 15.44%
PYNSENT Bob CLP 252 44.21%
HARVEY John IND 88 15.44%
OLSEN Ian IND 69 12.11%
Total Formal Votes Counted 570 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 13 2.23%
Total Votes 583
First Preference Votes - Declaration Votes - Postal
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
RYAN James GRN 60 7.77%
DOHERTY Rod LIB 159 20.60%
PYNSENT Bob CLP 388 50.26%
HARVEY John IND 80 10.36%
OLSEN Ian IND 85 11.01%
Total Formal Votes Counted 772 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 8 1.03%
Total Votes 780