Bellingen Shire Council - Mayoral Election

Last Updated: 12/09/2012 18:13
Current As At: 17/09/2012 15:34
Status:Candidate Declared Elected

First Preference Votes for each Candidate

Total Number of Electors: Residential and Non-residential Electors enrolled in this council area on 30 July 2012 was 9,321. Electors may continue to enrol up to and including election day.

Counting System: Optional Preferential (OP). As defined in Schedule 4 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005

2012 Map and Polling Places (text)

First Preference Votes
Polling PlaceWADSWORTH
Total FormalInformalTotal Votes
Bellingen Anglican7791,2222,0011182,119
Deer Vale Hall335689897
Dorrigo Comm. Cntr3197391,058531,111
Gleniffer Hall691051744178
Mylestom Hall13934248135516
Raleigh Public10725336016376
Sydney Town Hall2688
Thora Hall11812524313256
Urunga Public5541,0791,633911,724
Total Ordinary Votes 2,120 3,927 6,047 338 6,385
Dec Inst/Pre-Poll Votes 296 623 919 39 958
Postal Votes 50 144 194 3 197
Provisional/Silent Votes 51 75 126 4 130
Total 2,517 4,769 7,286 384 7,670
% of Total Formal Vote 34.55% 65.45% 5.01%