Last Updated: 23/09/2008 Time: 14:26:42  Status: Declared Election
Current as at: 25/09/2008 Time: 18:15:24


First Preference and Group Votes for each Candidate (Status: Declared Election)

Residential and Non-residential Electors enrolled on 4 August 2008: 17,781

Voting System: Proportional Representation (PR)

12 candidates contesting 3 vacancies

The Final Count Reports from the computerised counting process are available from this link.


Results Description

Final results for this election are contained in the following files which are accessible from the above link.

01_(Event and Contest Name)_Quota.pdf - This report identifies the quota for the election (contest) and the total first preference votes for each group and first candidate in the group, then derives the number of quotas represented by these votes.

02_(Event and Contest Name)_SummaryFirstPref.pdf - This report identifies the first preference votes for each group and candidate, the total of the group and candidate votes for the first candidate in a group and the percentage of these votes against the total formal vote for the election.

04_(Event and Contest Name)_CandidateSequence.pdf - This report identifies the candidates elected and their sequence of election.

05_(Event and Contest Name)_CandidateSequence.pdf - This report identifies candidates in a report which shows all candidates sorted by Group and candidate order.

06_(Event and Contest Name)_ResultCount1.pdf - This report describes the outcome of Count 1 (the first preference count - see report 02) in terms of who is elected and the actions to be taken in Count 2.

07_(Event and Contest Name)_ProgressiveTotal_Count(Count Number)_Distributed_(Candidate Name).pdf - This report identifies the progressive total at the beginning and end of the count and the movement of votes between candidates. It also identifies candidate/s elected and the candidate being distributed.

07_(Event and Contest Name)_ProgressiveTotal_Count(Count Number)_Excluded_(Candidate Name).pdf - This report identifies the progressive total at the beginning and end of the count and the movement of votes between candidates. It also identifies candidate/s elected the candidate being excluded.

08_(Event and Contest Name)_FPGroupCandidateByVoteType.pdf - This report identifies the first preference vote for each group and candidate. Each of the group and candidate first preference vote is shown by the vote's source and/or type i.e. Ordinary (votes taken in Polling Places) and the Declaration Votes - Postal, Pre-poll/Declared Institution and Section/Silent.

09_(Event and Contest Name)_FPByPollingPlace.pdf - This report identifies the first preference vote for each group and candidate at the Polling Place and Declaration Vote type level and provides a report total vote for groups, candidates, informal votes and the grand total for the election.