The Hills Shire

Mayoral Contest

First Preference Results

First Preference Votes - All Venues and Vote Types
Vote Type / Venue BAP IND LAB LIB Total Formal Informal Total Votes Status
Polling Place
Aminya 54 79 145 354 632 25 657 Final Count
Annangrove Public 100 107 163 935 1,305 69 1,374 Final Count
Baulkham Hills Comm. Cntr 29 59 197 288 573 27 600 Final Count
Baulkham Hills High 59 129 414 709 1,311 75 1,386 Final Count
Baulkham Hills Nth Public 112 363 781 1,509 2,765 156 2,921 Final Count
Beaumont Hills Public 208 303 897 2,420 3,828 223 4,051 Final Count
Castle Hill High 117 314 528 1,161 2,120 130 2,250 Final Count
Castle Hill House 75 346 456 1,115 1,992 96 2,088 Final Count
Castle Hill Public 178 634 709 1,581 3,102 160 3,262 Final Count
Community of Christ W Pennant Hills 48 177 356 1,087 1,668 69 1,737 Final Count
Crestwood High 157 226 870 1,865 3,118 133 3,251 Final Count
Crestwood Public 108 100 411 927 1,546 54 1,600 Final Count
Dural Public 46 77 126 490 739 36 775 Final Count
Eurambie Park Child Care 90 292 353 1,371 2,106 88 2,194 Final Count
Excelsior Public 118 222 455 1,091 1,886 80 1,966 Final Count
Glenhaven Public 141 279 346 1,757 2,523 124 2,647 Final Count
Glenorie Public 48 63 72 493 676 41 717 Final Count
Hillside Public 27 31 38 279 375 16 391 Final Count
Ironbark Ridge Public 98 198 434 1,653 2,383 132 2,515 Final Count
Jasper Rd Public 157 481 898 2,212 3,748 182 3,930 Final Count
Kellyville High 123 197 402 1,201 1,923 114 2,037 Final Count
Kellyville Public 235 399 760 1,977 3,371 191 3,562 Final Count
Kenthurst Public 153 191 275 1,635 2,254 123 2,377 Final Count
Maraylya Public 24 23 30 198 275 15 290 Final Count
Maroota Public 25 25 24 187 261 10 271 Final Count
Matthew Pearce Public 81 115 523 1,193 1,912 106 2,018 Final Count
Middle Dural Public 33 39 74 346 492 29 521 Final Count
Model Farms High 80 109 392 874 1,455 77 1,532 Final Count
Muirfield High 17 41 99 185 342 9 351 Final Count
Murray Farm Public 22 71 178 365 636 26 662 Final Count
Rouse Hill Public 140 232 558 1,809 2,739 147 2,886 Final Count
Samuel Gilbert Public 334 356 644 2,018 3,352 150 3,502 Final Count
Sherwood Ridge Public 187 297 552 1,653 2,689 155 2,844 Final Count
Sth Maroota Comm. Hall 27 52 63 309 451 19 470 Final Count
Sydney Town Hall 14 15 77 86 192 12 204 Final Count
Tallowood School 46 73 179 436 734 31 765 Final Count
Village Green Comm. Cntr 93 139 547 1,324 2,103 74 2,177 Final Count
W Pennant Hills Comm. Church 48 113 343 796 1,300 49 1,349 Final Count
W Pennant Hills Public 22 54 113 301 490 36 526 Final Count
Winston Hills Public 13 16 66 104 199 23 222 Final Count
Wisemans Ferry Public 5 10 6 30 51 6 57 Final Count
Wrights Rd Comm. Cntr 177 330 674 1,858 3,039 138 3,177 Final Count
Baulkham Hills Pre-Poll 317 908 1,074 3,932 6,231 127 6,358 Final Count
Sydney Town Hall 14 46 140 227 427 21 448 Final Count
The Hills RO Office 204 758 932 3,100 4,994 147 5,141 Final Count
Total Ordinary Votes 4,404 9,089 17,374 49,441 80,308 3,751 84,059
Postal 213 437 826 3,078 4,554 47 4,601 Final Count
DI/Declaration 98 178 426 890 1,592 49 1,641 Final Count
Total Votes 4,715 9,704 18,626 53,409 86,454 3,847 90,301
% of Total Votes 5.45% 11.22% 21.54% 61.78% 100% 4.26%
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Aminya
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
BROWN Ray BAP 54 8.54%
LOWE Jeff IND 79 12.50%
HAY Tony LAB 145 22.94%
BYRNE Michelle LIB 354 56.01%
Total Formal Votes Counted 632 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 25 3.81%
Total Votes 657
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Annangrove Public
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
BROWN Ray BAP 100 7.66%
LOWE Jeff IND 107 8.20%
HAY Tony LAB 163 12.49%
BYRNE Michelle LIB 935 71.65%
Total Formal Votes Counted 1,305 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 69 5.02%
Total Votes 1,374
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Baulkham Hills Comm. Cntr
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
BROWN Ray BAP 29 5.06%
LOWE Jeff IND 59 10.30%
HAY Tony LAB 197 34.38%
BYRNE Michelle LIB 288 50.26%
Total Formal Votes Counted 573 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 27 4.50%
Total Votes 600
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Baulkham Hills High
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
BROWN Ray BAP 59 4.50%
LOWE Jeff IND 129 9.84%
HAY Tony LAB 414 31.58%
BYRNE Michelle LIB 709 54.08%
Total Formal Votes Counted 1,311 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 75 5.41%
Total Votes 1,386
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Baulkham Hills Nth Public
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
BROWN Ray BAP 112 4.05%
LOWE Jeff IND 363 13.13%
HAY Tony LAB 781 28.25%
BYRNE Michelle LIB 1,509 54.58%
Total Formal Votes Counted 2,765 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 156 5.34%
Total Votes 2,921
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Beaumont Hills Public
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
BROWN Ray BAP 208 5.43%
LOWE Jeff IND 303 7.92%
HAY Tony LAB 897 23.43%
BYRNE Michelle LIB 2,420 63.22%
Total Formal Votes Counted 3,828 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 223 5.50%
Total Votes 4,051
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Castle Hill High
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
BROWN Ray BAP 117 5.52%
LOWE Jeff IND 314 14.81%
HAY Tony LAB 528 24.91%
BYRNE Michelle LIB 1,161 54.76%
Total Formal Votes Counted 2,120 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 130 5.78%
Total Votes 2,250
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Castle Hill House
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
BROWN Ray BAP 75 3.77%
LOWE Jeff IND 346 17.37%
HAY Tony LAB 456 22.89%
BYRNE Michelle LIB 1,115 55.97%
Total Formal Votes Counted 1,992 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 96 4.60%
Total Votes 2,088
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Castle Hill Public
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
BROWN Ray BAP 178 5.74%
LOWE Jeff IND 634 20.44%
HAY Tony LAB 709 22.86%
BYRNE Michelle LIB 1,581 50.97%
Total Formal Votes Counted 3,102 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 160 4.90%
Total Votes 3,262
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Community of Christ W Pennant Hills
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
BROWN Ray BAP 48 2.88%
LOWE Jeff IND 177 10.61%
HAY Tony LAB 356 21.34%
BYRNE Michelle LIB 1,087 65.17%
Total Formal Votes Counted 1,668 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 69 3.97%
Total Votes 1,737
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Crestwood High
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
BROWN Ray BAP 157 5.04%
LOWE Jeff IND 226 7.25%
HAY Tony LAB 870 27.90%
BYRNE Michelle LIB 1,865 59.81%
Total Formal Votes Counted 3,118 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 133 4.09%
Total Votes 3,251
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Crestwood Public
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
BROWN Ray BAP 108 6.99%
LOWE Jeff IND 100 6.47%
HAY Tony LAB 411 26.58%
BYRNE Michelle LIB 927 59.96%
Total Formal Votes Counted 1,546 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 54 3.38%
Total Votes 1,600
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Dural Public
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
BROWN Ray BAP 46 6.22%
LOWE Jeff IND 77 10.42%
HAY Tony LAB 126 17.05%
BYRNE Michelle LIB 490 66.31%
Total Formal Votes Counted 739 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 36 4.65%
Total Votes 775
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Eurambie Park Child Care
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
BROWN Ray BAP 90 4.27%
LOWE Jeff IND 292 13.87%
HAY Tony LAB 353 16.76%
BYRNE Michelle LIB 1,371 65.10%
Total Formal Votes Counted 2,106 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 88 4.01%
Total Votes 2,194
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Excelsior Public
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
BROWN Ray BAP 118 6.26%
LOWE Jeff IND 222 11.77%
HAY Tony LAB 455 24.13%
BYRNE Michelle LIB 1,091 57.85%
Total Formal Votes Counted 1,886 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 80 4.07%
Total Votes 1,966
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Glenhaven Public
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
BROWN Ray BAP 141 5.59%
LOWE Jeff IND 279 11.06%
HAY Tony LAB 346 13.71%
BYRNE Michelle LIB 1,757 69.64%
Total Formal Votes Counted 2,523 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 124 4.68%
Total Votes 2,647
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Glenorie Public
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
BROWN Ray BAP 48 7.10%
LOWE Jeff IND 63 9.32%
HAY Tony LAB 72 10.65%
BYRNE Michelle LIB 493 72.93%
Total Formal Votes Counted 676 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 41 5.72%
Total Votes 717
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Hillside Public
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
BROWN Ray BAP 27 7.20%
LOWE Jeff IND 31 8.27%
HAY Tony LAB 38 10.13%
BYRNE Michelle LIB 279 74.40%
Total Formal Votes Counted 375 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 16 4.09%
Total Votes 391
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Ironbark Ridge Public
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
BROWN Ray BAP 98 4.11%
LOWE Jeff IND 198 8.31%
HAY Tony LAB 434 18.21%
BYRNE Michelle LIB 1,653 69.37%
Total Formal Votes Counted 2,383 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 132 5.25%
Total Votes 2,515
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Jasper Rd Public
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
BROWN Ray BAP 157 4.19%
LOWE Jeff IND 481 12.83%
HAY Tony LAB 898 23.96%
BYRNE Michelle LIB 2,212 59.02%
Total Formal Votes Counted 3,748 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 182 4.63%
Total Votes 3,930
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Kellyville High
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
BROWN Ray BAP 123 6.40%
LOWE Jeff IND 197 10.24%
HAY Tony LAB 402 20.90%
BYRNE Michelle LIB 1,201 62.45%
Total Formal Votes Counted 1,923 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 114 5.60%
Total Votes 2,037
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Kellyville Public
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
BROWN Ray BAP 235 6.97%
LOWE Jeff IND 399 11.84%
HAY Tony LAB 760 22.55%
BYRNE Michelle LIB 1,977 58.65%
Total Formal Votes Counted 3,371 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 191 5.36%
Total Votes 3,562
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Kenthurst Public
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
BROWN Ray BAP 153 6.79%
LOWE Jeff IND 191 8.47%
HAY Tony LAB 275 12.20%
BYRNE Michelle LIB 1,635 72.54%
Total Formal Votes Counted 2,254 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 123 5.17%
Total Votes 2,377
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Maraylya Public
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
BROWN Ray BAP 24 8.73%
LOWE Jeff IND 23 8.36%
HAY Tony LAB 30 10.91%
BYRNE Michelle LIB 198 72.00%
Total Formal Votes Counted 275 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 15 5.17%
Total Votes 290
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Maroota Public
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
BROWN Ray BAP 25 9.58%
LOWE Jeff IND 25 9.58%
HAY Tony LAB 24 9.20%
BYRNE Michelle LIB 187 71.65%
Total Formal Votes Counted 261 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 10 3.69%
Total Votes 271
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Matthew Pearce Public
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
BROWN Ray BAP 81 4.24%
LOWE Jeff IND 115 6.01%
HAY Tony LAB 523 27.35%
BYRNE Michelle LIB 1,193 62.40%
Total Formal Votes Counted 1,912 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 106 5.25%
Total Votes 2,018
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Middle Dural Public
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
BROWN Ray BAP 33 6.71%
LOWE Jeff IND 39 7.93%
HAY Tony LAB 74 15.04%
BYRNE Michelle LIB 346 70.33%
Total Formal Votes Counted 492 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 29 5.57%
Total Votes 521
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Model Farms High
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
BROWN Ray BAP 80 5.50%
LOWE Jeff IND 109 7.49%
HAY Tony LAB 392 26.94%
BYRNE Michelle LIB 874 60.07%
Total Formal Votes Counted 1,455 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 77 5.03%
Total Votes 1,532
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Muirfield High
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
BROWN Ray BAP 17 4.97%
LOWE Jeff IND 41 11.99%
HAY Tony LAB 99 28.95%
BYRNE Michelle LIB 185 54.09%
Total Formal Votes Counted 342 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 9 2.56%
Total Votes 351
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Murray Farm Public
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
BROWN Ray BAP 22 3.46%
LOWE Jeff IND 71 11.16%
HAY Tony LAB 178 27.99%
BYRNE Michelle LIB 365 57.39%
Total Formal Votes Counted 636 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 26 3.93%
Total Votes 662
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Rouse Hill Public
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
BROWN Ray BAP 140 5.11%
LOWE Jeff IND 232 8.47%
HAY Tony LAB 558 20.37%
BYRNE Michelle LIB 1,809 66.05%
Total Formal Votes Counted 2,739 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 147 5.09%
Total Votes 2,886
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Samuel Gilbert Public
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
BROWN Ray BAP 334 9.96%
LOWE Jeff IND 356 10.62%
HAY Tony LAB 644 19.21%
BYRNE Michelle LIB 2,018 60.20%
Total Formal Votes Counted 3,352 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 150 4.28%
Total Votes 3,502
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Sherwood Ridge Public
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
BROWN Ray BAP 187 6.95%
LOWE Jeff IND 297 11.04%
HAY Tony LAB 552 20.53%
BYRNE Michelle LIB 1,653 61.47%
Total Formal Votes Counted 2,689 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 155 5.45%
Total Votes 2,844
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Sth Maroota Comm. Hall
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
BROWN Ray BAP 27 5.99%
LOWE Jeff IND 52 11.53%
HAY Tony LAB 63 13.97%
BYRNE Michelle LIB 309 68.51%
Total Formal Votes Counted 451 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 19 4.04%
Total Votes 470
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Sydney Town Hall
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
BROWN Ray BAP 14 7.29%
LOWE Jeff IND 15 7.81%
HAY Tony LAB 77 40.10%
BYRNE Michelle LIB 86 44.79%
Total Formal Votes Counted 192 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 12 5.88%
Total Votes 204
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Tallowood School
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
BROWN Ray BAP 46 6.27%
LOWE Jeff IND 73 9.95%
HAY Tony LAB 179 24.39%
BYRNE Michelle LIB 436 59.40%
Total Formal Votes Counted 734 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 31 4.05%
Total Votes 765
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Village Green Comm. Cntr
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
BROWN Ray BAP 93 4.42%
LOWE Jeff IND 139 6.61%
HAY Tony LAB 547 26.01%
BYRNE Michelle LIB 1,324 62.96%
Total Formal Votes Counted 2,103 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 74 3.40%
Total Votes 2,177
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - W Pennant Hills Comm. Church
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
BROWN Ray BAP 48 3.69%
LOWE Jeff IND 113 8.69%
HAY Tony LAB 343 26.38%
BYRNE Michelle LIB 796 61.23%
Total Formal Votes Counted 1,300 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 49 3.63%
Total Votes 1,349
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - W Pennant Hills Public
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
BROWN Ray BAP 22 4.49%
LOWE Jeff IND 54 11.02%
HAY Tony LAB 113 23.06%
BYRNE Michelle LIB 301 61.43%
Total Formal Votes Counted 490 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 36 6.84%
Total Votes 526
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Winston Hills Public
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
BROWN Ray BAP 13 6.53%
LOWE Jeff IND 16 8.04%
HAY Tony LAB 66 33.17%
BYRNE Michelle LIB 104 52.26%
Total Formal Votes Counted 199 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 23 10.36%
Total Votes 222
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Wisemans Ferry Public
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
BROWN Ray BAP 5 9.80%
LOWE Jeff IND 10 19.61%
HAY Tony LAB 6 11.76%
BYRNE Michelle LIB 30 58.82%
Total Formal Votes Counted 51 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 6 10.53%
Total Votes 57
First Preference Votes - Polling Place - Wrights Rd Comm. Cntr
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
BROWN Ray BAP 177 5.82%
LOWE Jeff IND 330 10.86%
HAY Tony LAB 674 22.18%
BYRNE Michelle LIB 1,858 61.14%
Total Formal Votes Counted 3,039 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 138 4.34%
Total Votes 3,177
First Preference Votes - Pre-Poll - Baulkham Hills Pre-Poll
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
BROWN Ray BAP 317 5.09%
LOWE Jeff IND 908 14.57%
HAY Tony LAB 1,074 17.24%
BYRNE Michelle LIB 3,932 63.10%
Total Formal Votes Counted 6,231 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 127 2.00%
Total Votes 6,358
First Preference Votes - Pre-Poll - Sydney Town Hall
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
BROWN Ray BAP 14 3.28%
LOWE Jeff IND 46 10.77%
HAY Tony LAB 140 32.79%
BYRNE Michelle LIB 227 53.16%
Total Formal Votes Counted 427 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 21 4.69%
Total Votes 448
First Preference Votes - Pre-Poll - The Hills RO Office
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
BROWN Ray BAP 204 4.08%
LOWE Jeff IND 758 15.18%
HAY Tony LAB 932 18.66%
BYRNE Michelle LIB 3,100 62.07%
Total Formal Votes Counted 4,994 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 147 2.86%
Total Votes 5,141

Declared Institutions and Declaration votes (enrolment, silent, and name already marked as voted).

First Preference Votes - Declaration Votes - DI/Declaration
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
BROWN Ray BAP 98 6.16%
LOWE Jeff IND 178 11.18%
HAY Tony LAB 426 26.76%
BYRNE Michelle LIB 890 55.90%
Total Formal Votes Counted 1,592 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 49 2.99%
Total Votes 1,641
First Preference Votes - Declaration Votes - Postal
Candidate Party/IND First Pref. Votes %
BROWN Ray BAP 213 4.68%
LOWE Jeff IND 437 9.60%
HAY Tony LAB 826 18.14%
BYRNE Michelle LIB 3,078 67.59%
Total Formal Votes Counted 4,554 100%
Total Informal/Other Votes 47 1.02%
Total Votes 4,601