Saturday 25 March 2023

Legislative Council - Preference Data

Legislative Council - Preference Data
The link below is a download link and contains a zip file with all Legislative Council preference markings for the whole state in one file.
The file below has the same data as above but each district is held in a separate file.
Each record in the file represents a preference marking. The format has been determined to allow the greatest flexibility for analysis using a database. The file can be readily imported into a database as a tab delimited file.
Field Name Field Value Data Type
SequenceNumber Primary Key for each record in the table commencing at 1 Integer, not null
District Short District Name Varchar, not null
VoteType Identifies the source of the ballot paper
e.g.PP for Voting Centre, PR for Early Voting Centre, DV for Declaration Vote
Varchar, not null
Venue/VoteSubType Venue name where an Ordinary vote is taken for voting centre or early voting centre.
The remaining Vote Sub Types are; Absent, Postal, Enrolment / Provisional.
Note: Declared Facility is defined as one venue within each district.
Varchar, not null
VCBallotPaperID Virtual ballot paper id, uniquely identify a ballot paper with in a contest. Integer, not null
PreferenceMark Preference marking as seen on ballot paper either a series of numbers comprising characters 0 to 9 or / or x Varchar or null
PreferenceNumber Preference number as interpreted from preference marking used in count.
Must be an integer greater than Zero.
Only shown where the formality of the ballot paper is Formal.
Integer, not null
CandidateName Candidate name as shown on the ballot. Varchar, not null
GroupCode The group code of the group the candidate is in.
For ungrouped candidate the field is Blank
Varchar, or null
DrawOrder A number between 1 and the maximum number of candidates in a given group or ungrouped on the Ballot paper. Integer, not null
Formality Identifies if ballot paper is Formal or Informal. Varchar, not null
Type SATL (Single Preference ATL), RATL (Multiple Preference ATL) and BTL (Below The Line). Varchar, not null
Page content last changed:
21/04/2023 18:30:00