Saturday 23 March 2019
Saturday 23 March 2019
Legislative Council - Preference Data
The link below is a download link and contains a zip file with all Legislative Council preference markings for the whole state in one file.
LC Preferences State-wide [118MB]
The file below has the same data as above but each district is held in a separate file.
LC Preferences by District [117MB]
Each record in the file represents a preference marking. The format has been determined to allow the greatest flexibility for analysis using a database. The file can be readily imported into a database as a tab delimited file.
Field Name | Field Value | Data Type |
SequenceNumber | Primary Key for each record in the table commencing at 1 | Integer, not null |
District | Short District Name | Varchar, not null |
VoteType | Identifies the source of the ballot paper e.g. PP for Voting Centre, PR for Early Voting Centre, DV for Declaration Vote | Varchar, not null |
Venue/VoteSubType | Venue name where an Ordinary vote is taken for voting centre or early voting centre. The remaining Vote Sub Types are; Absent, iVote, Postal, Enrolment/Provisional. Note: Declared Facility is defined as one venue within each district. | Varchar, not null |
VCBallotPaperID | Virtual ballot paper id, uniquely identify a ballot paper with in a contest. | Integer, not null |
PreferenceMark | Preference marking as seen on ballot paper either a series of numbers comprising characters 0 to 9 or / or x | Varchar or null |
PreferenceNumber | Preference number as interpreted from preference marking used in count. Must be an integer greater than Zero. Only shown where the formality of the ballot paper is Formal. | Integer, not null |
CandidateName | Candidate name as shown on the ballot. | Varchar, not null |
GroupCode | The group code of the group the candidate is in: A to T omitting L For ungrouped candidate the field is Blank | Varchar or null |
DrawOrder | A number between 1 and the maximum number of candidates in a given group or ungrouped on the Ballot paper. | Integer, not null |
Formality | Identifies if ballot paper is Formal or Informal. | Varchar, not null |
Type | SATL (Single Preference ATL), RATL (Multiple Preference ATL) and BTL (Below The Line). | Varchar, not null |
The LC candidates and groups contained in the preference files are summarised in the file SGE2019 LC Candidates [24 KB XSLX]
The legislation supporting this specification and defining the LC count can be found at Constitution Act - Sixth Schedule Conduct of Legislative Council elections