Upper Lachlan Shire Council

Councillor Contest

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Upper Lachlan Shire Council - Distribution of Preferences

Candidates to be Elected: 9

Quota: 486

Enrolment as of 10/09/2016: 6,065

Count 001| Next Count

Candidates in Ballot Order Position
First Preferences
CUMMINS Ron 4 492
SEARL John 3 494
ELLIS Sue 295
MAYOH Mick 184
OPIE Richard 417
BARLOW Malcolm 278
O'BRIEN Darren 354
McCORMACK Brian 1 773
CULHANE Paul 287
KENSIT Pam 2 566
Formal Votes 4,859
Informal Ballot Papers 205
Total Votes / Ballot Papers 5,064

Count 001| Next Count

Candidates Elected at this Count Total Votes
1 McCORMACK Brian 773
2 KENSIT Pam 566
3 SEARL John 494
4 CUMMINS Ron 492

Undistributed surplus

Candidates Elected before or at this Count Total Votes Surplus
McCORMACK Brian 773 287
KENSIT Pam 566 80
SEARL John 494 8
CUMMINS Ron 492 6
Total Undistributed surplus is: 381
Difference between the two continuing candidates with the fewest votes is: 94
Next Count
002 Distribution of McCORMACK Brian's preferences. 773 ballot papers to be distributed
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