Kyogle Council - C Ward

Councillor Contest

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Kyogle Council C Ward - Distribution of Preferences

Candidates to be Elected: 3

Quota: 432

Enrolment: 2,298

MULHOLLAND Danielle - ELECTED - 301 Surplus Votes Transferred

Transfer Value Formula: Surplus / (Ballot Papers Distributed - Exhausted) = Transfer Value

301 / ( 733 - 0) = 0.4106

Previous Count | Count 002| Next Count

Candidates in Ballot Order Progressive Total Brought Forward Ballot Papers Distributed Ballot Papers Transferred Set Aside for Quota Progressive Total
REARDON Michael 155 174 72 102 227
JOHNSTON Debbie 143 236 97 139 240
PASSFIELD Lindsay 376 225 92 133 468
GRUNDY Earle 319 98 40 58 359
Exhausted 0 0
Set Aside (previous counts) 0
Formal Votes 1,726 733 301 432 1,726
    Brought Forward 0
    Set Aside this Count 0
TOTAL 1,726

Previous Count | Count 002| Next Count

Candidates Elected at this Count Total Votes
2 PASSFIELD Lindsay 468

Undistributed surplus

Candidates Elected before or at this Count Total Votes Surplus
PASSFIELD Lindsay 468 36
Total Undistributed surplus is: 36
Difference between the two continuing candidates with the fewest votes is: 13
Next Count
003 Distribution of PASSFIELD Lindsay's preferences. 92 ballot papers to be distributed
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