Goulburn Mulwaree Council

Councillor Contest

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Goulburn Mulwaree Council - Distribution of Preferences

Candidates to be Elected: 9

Quota: 1,696

Enrolment as of 10/09/2016: 21,567

Count 001| Next Count

Candidates in Ballot Order Position
First Preferences
O'NEILL Margaret 1,591
SAVILLE Robin 475
WALKER Alfie 1,201
PRICHARD Rufina 194
JAMES Carol 2 2,080
KIRK Bob 1 2,555
ROWLAND Sam 3 1,860
WALKER Peter 1,105
FINKLE Peter 529
FERRARA Leah 1,076
STEPHENS Alisa 696
STURGISS Denzil 962
BANFIELD Andrew 855
CASEY Caron 452
McDONALD Barry 376
OLIVER Peter 945
Formal Votes 16,952
Informal Ballot Papers 1,037
Total Votes / Ballot Papers 17,989

Count 001| Next Count

Candidates Elected at this Count Total Votes
1 KIRK Bob 2,555
2 JAMES Carol 2,080
3 ROWLAND Sam 1,860

Undistributed surplus

Candidates Elected before or at this Count Total Votes Surplus
KIRK Bob 2,555 859
JAMES Carol 2,080 384
ROWLAND Sam 1,860 164
Total Undistributed surplus is: 1,407
Difference between the two continuing candidates with the fewest votes is: 182
Next Count
002 Distribution of KIRK Bob's preferences. 2,555 ballot papers to be distributed
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