Gilgandra Shire Council

Councillor Contest

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Gilgandra Shire Council - Distribution of Preferences

Candidates to be Elected: 9

Quota: 249

Enrolment as of 10/09/2016: 3,206

Count 001| Next Count

Candidates in Ballot Order Position
First Preferences
PEART Gregory 2 296
BUNTER Amber 114
BAKER Susan 155
NADEN Deidrie 232
LEVI Mark 52
DENCH John 95
JOHNSON Gina 187
WRIGLEY Noel 5 256
BATTEN Doug 1 299
McGRATH Laurie 41
MOCKLER Brian 3 274
MUDFORD Noel 154
WALKER Ash 4 265
Formal Votes 2,487
Informal Ballot Papers 62
Total Votes / Ballot Papers 2,549

Count 001| Next Count

Candidates Elected at this Count Total Votes
1 BATTEN Doug 299
2 PEART Gregory 296
3 MOCKLER Brian 274
4 WALKER Ash 265
5 WRIGLEY Noel 256

Undistributed surplus

Candidates Elected before or at this Count Total Votes Surplus
BATTEN Doug 299 50
PEART Gregory 296 47
MOCKLER Brian 274 25
WALKER Ash 265 16
WRIGLEY Noel 256 7
Total Undistributed surplus is: 145
Difference between the two continuing candidates with the fewest votes is: 11
Next Count
002 Distribution of BATTEN Doug's preferences. 299 ballot papers to be distributed
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