Richmond Valley

Councillor Election

Richmond Valley - Votes Received By Candidate

Last Updated On: 22/12/2021 11:17
Candidates to be Elected: 6
Quota: 1,890
SIMPSON Daniel - EXCLUDED in Count 10
* Ballot papers in a parcel have the same transfer value
This Count Progressive Total
Count Parcel * From Candidate Type of Transfer Transfer Value Ballot Papers Votes Ballot Papers Votes Disregarded Fractions
001 1 First Preference 1.000000 71 71.000000 71 71 0.000000
002 2.1 MORRISSEY Steve Surplus 0.734122 5 3.670610 76 74 0.670610
003 3.1 DUNCAN-HUMPHRYS Sandra Surplus 0.644953 2 1.289906 78 75 0.960516
004 4.1 CORNISH Sam Surplus 0.448968 1 0.448968 79 75 1.409484
004 CORNISH Sam Surplus 0.212575 1 0.212575 80 75 1.622058
005 5.1 WICKS Louise Exclusion 1.000000 8 8.000000 88 83 1.622058
007 7.3.1 NIELSEN Peter Exclusion 0.644953 1 0.644953 89 83 2.267011
009 9.1 GENGE Neale Exclusion 1.000000 4 4.000000 93 87 2.267011
009 9.2.1 GENGE Neale Exclusion 0.734122 2 1.468244 95 88 2.735255
009 GENGE Neale Exclusion 0.473474 2 0.946948 97 88 3.682204
009 GENGE Neale Exclusion 0.212575 1 0.212575 98 88 3.894778
009 9.7.1 GENGE Neale Exclusion 1.000000 1 1.000000 99 89 3.894778