
Councillor Election

Hay - Votes Received By Candidate

Last Updated On: 20/12/2021 15:17
Candidates to be Elected: 8
Quota: 195
MCRAE Beverley - EXCLUDED in Count 9
* Ballot papers in a parcel have the same transfer value
This Count Progressive Total
Count Parcel * From Candidate Type of Transfer Transfer Value Ballot Papers Votes Ballot Papers Votes Disregarded Fractions
001 1 First Preference 1.000000 48 48.000000 48 48 0.000000
002 2.1 DWYER Jenny Surplus 0.606557 19 11.524590 67 59 0.524590
003 3.1 QUINN Martyn Surplus 0.273810 16 4.380952 83 63 0.905543
004 4.1 HANDFORD Peter Surplus 0.015544 12 0.186528 95 63 1.092071
005 5.1 DWYER Peter Surplus 0.299112 16 4.785799 111 67 1.877870
005 5.2.1 DWYER Peter Surplus 0.181429 11 1.995717 122 68 2.873587
006 6.1 RUSKA Megan Exclusion 1.000000 7 7.000000 129 75 2.873587
006 6.2.1 RUSKA Megan Exclusion 0.606557 1 0.606557 130 75 3.480144
006 6.3.1 RUSKA Megan Exclusion 0.273810 1 0.273810 131 75 3.753954
006 6.4.1 RUSKA Megan Exclusion 0.015544 7 0.108808 138 75 3.862762
007 7.1 OATAWAY Carol Surplus 0.022567 19 0.428775 157 75 4.291537
007 7.2.1 OATAWAY Carol Surplus 0.013688 13 0.177947 170 75 4.469484
007 7.3.1 OATAWAY Carol Surplus 0.006179 3 0.018537 173 75 4.488022
007 7.4.1 OATAWAY Carol Surplus 0.000351 3 0.001052 176 75 4.489074
007 7.5.1 OATAWAY Carol Surplus 0.006750 5 0.033751 181 75 4.522824
007 OATAWAY Carol Surplus 0.004094 1 0.004094 182 75 4.526919
008 8.2.1 TOWNSEND David Exclusion 0.606557 1 0.606557 183 75 5.133476
008 8.3.1 TOWNSEND David Exclusion 0.273810 2 0.547619 185 75 5.681095
008 8.5.1 TOWNSEND David Exclusion 0.299112 1 0.299112 186 75 5.980208
008 8.6.1 TOWNSEND David Exclusion 1.000000 1 1.000000 187 76 5.980208
008 8.7.1 TOWNSEND David Exclusion 0.022567 2 0.045134 189 76 6.025342