City of Griffith

Councillor Election

City of Griffith - Distribution of Preferences - Count Index

Last Updated On: 22/12/2021 09:17
Candidates to be Elected: 11
Counts Required: 22
Quota: 1,047
The margin between the last elected candidate ZAPPACOSTA Dino and the last un-elected/excluded candidate MERCURI Rina is 60.
Count Description Candidates Elected
001 First Preference SUTTON Christopher
002 Distribution of SUTTON Christopher's preferences MARIN Melissa
003 Distribution of TESTONI Laurie's preferences BLUMER Shari
004 Distribution of NAPOLI Anne's preferences
005 Distribution of MARIN Melissa's preferences
006 Distribution of BLUMER Shari's preferences
007 Exclusion of CANTRELL Andrew's preferences
008 Exclusion of CAMPIAO MUNRO Ema's preferences
009 Exclusion of FORBES Denise's preferences
010 Exclusion of SKIRVING Kirsty's preferences
011 Exclusion of DIXON Jeremiah's preferences
012 Exclusion of BILLING Katie's preferences
013 Exclusion of LOWES Lisa's preferences
014 Exclusion of CAMPBELL Robert's preferences
015 Exclusion of ARMSTRONG Andy's preferences
016 Exclusion of BIANCHINI Joseph's preferences
017 Exclusion of STEVENSON Catherine's preferences
018 Exclusion of TOSCAN Louis's preferences
019 Exclusion of LA ROCCA Mariacarmina (Carmel)'s preferences LALLY Manjit
020 Distribution of LALLY Manjit's preferences
021 Exclusion of CRUMP Michael's preferences
022 Exclusion of LONGHURST Deb's preferences CROCE Simon*
STEAD Christine*
ELLIS Jenny*
Candidate(s) marked with an asterisk were elected without reaching quota.
Candidates elected at the same count are displayed in the order they appear on the ballot paper.