
Councillor Election

Cumberland Regents Park Ward - Distribution of Preferences

Last Updated On: 20/12/2021 13:30
Candidates to be Elected: 3
Formal Papers: 19,749
Quota: 4,938
WEI Wen - 89 Vote(s) Transferred, 119 Ballot Paper(s) Distributed
Brought Forward This Count Progressive Total
Candidates in Ballot Order Elected at Count Distributed at Count Ballot Papers Votes Ballot Papers Votes Ballot Papers Votes
HUANG Kun 1 2 0 4,938 0 0 0 4,938
FAROOQUI Sabrin 2 3 0 4,938 0 0 0 4,938
ATKINS Hope 11,283 1,753 3 1 11,286 1,754
HUGHES Helen 4,262 4,209 9 7 4,271 4,216
NEHME Joe 4 0 0 0 0 0 0
ALI Muhammad 211 152 3 2 214 154
ATTIE Ned 2,522 2,515 10 9 2,532 2,524
KANG Kyoung (Christina) 775 736 44 38 819 774
WEI Wen 5 119 89 (119) (89) 0 0
SUNKESULA Khaled 437 404 3 0 440 404
Subtotal 19,609 19,734 19,562 19,702
Exhausted 140 47 187
Votes Lost* 15 32 47
Total 19,749 19,749 19,749 19,749
* Votes Lost includes votes lost by fraction and votes lost when the aggregated value of exhausted votes is greater than the quota.
No candidates elected this count.
There are no surplus votes available for transfer.
Next Count
006 ALI Muhammad to be excluded. 154 vote(s) to be transferred, 214 ballot paper(s) to be distributed.