Progressive First Preference Candidate and Group Vote Count

Progressive First Preference Candidate and Group Vote Count

This page links to a PDF file showing the most up-to-date first preference count progress for data entered for the Legislative Council election.

The report reflects the Legislative Council ballot papers that have been data-entered into the system. The system first assesses the formality of the ballot papers then captures the voter’s preferences allocated to a group or candidate.

Votes reported in the "Other" category shown on the screens associated with the “Progressive First Preference Group Vote” menu item are scrutinized at this stage, and allocated, to either a candidate or Informal.

The number of ballot papers represented by the report builds daily until all ballot papers for the Legislative Council election have been entered.

The quota figure in the report shows the number of quotas a given candidate or group has attained. The figure will vary from day to day as data entry progresses and will also vary from the figure provided on the screens associated with the “Progressive First Preference Group Vote” menu item. These variations occur due to different districts being entered progressively with have a different percentage of votes for given candidates and groups. The list of districts entered is contained at the front of the report.